full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jane Goodall: How humans and animals can live together

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And I mean, think of the tnlcoeieoghs. And I've just been so tlihelrd, fnilaly, to come to people talking about compost latrines. It's one of my hsyoebobrhs. We just flush all this water down the lavatory, it's terrible. And then talking about renewable energy — desperately important. Do we care about the planet for our children? How many of us have children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews? Do we care about their future? And if we care about their fruute, we, as the elite around the world, we can do something about it. We can make choices as to how we live each day. What we buy. What we wear. And choose to make these choices with the qtuisoen, how will this affect the environment around me? How will it afceft the life of my cihld when he or she grows up? Or my grandchild, or whatever it is. So the human brain, coupled with the human heart, and we join hnads around the world. And that's what TED is helping so well with, and Google who help us, and Esri are helping us with mapping in Gombe National Park. All of these technologies we can use.

Open Cloze

And I mean, think of the ____________. And I've just been so ________, _______, to come to people talking about compost latrines. It's one of my ___________. We just flush all this water down the lavatory, it's terrible. And then talking about renewable energy — desperately important. Do we care about the planet for our children? How many of us have children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews? Do we care about their future? And if we care about their ______, we, as the elite around the world, we can do something about it. We can make choices as to how we live each day. What we buy. What we wear. And choose to make these choices with the ________, how will this affect the environment around me? How will it ______ the life of my _____ when he or she grows up? Or my grandchild, or whatever it is. So the human brain, coupled with the human heart, and we join _____ around the world. And that's what TED is helping so well with, and Google who help us, and Esri are helping us with mapping in Gombe National Park. All of these technologies we can use.


  1. child
  2. question
  3. finally
  4. thrilled
  5. technologies
  6. hands
  7. affect
  8. hobbyhorses
  9. future

Original Text

And I mean, think of the technologies. And I've just been so thrilled, finally, to come to people talking about compost latrines. It's one of my hobbyhorses. We just flush all this water down the lavatory, it's terrible. And then talking about renewable energy — desperately important. Do we care about the planet for our children? How many of us have children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews? Do we care about their future? And if we care about their future, we, as the elite around the world, we can do something about it. We can make choices as to how we live each day. What we buy. What we wear. And choose to make these choices with the question, how will this affect the environment around me? How will it affect the life of my child when he or she grows up? Or my grandchild, or whatever it is. So the human brain, coupled with the human heart, and we join hands around the world. And that's what TED is helping so well with, and Google who help us, and Esri are helping us with mapping in Gombe National Park. All of these technologies we can use.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
national park 4
people living 4
soil erosion 3
young people 3
shoots groups 3
early humans 2
long period 2
gombe national 2
poor people 2
tanzanian team 2
indigenous people 2
major decisions 2
began traveling 2
brick wall 2
natural world 2
role models 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
gombe national park 2

Important Words

  1. affect
  2. brain
  3. buy
  4. care
  5. child
  6. children
  7. choices
  8. choose
  9. compost
  10. coupled
  11. day
  12. desperately
  13. elite
  14. energy
  15. environment
  16. esri
  17. finally
  18. flush
  19. future
  20. gombe
  21. google
  22. grandchild
  23. grandchildren
  24. grows
  25. hands
  26. heart
  27. helping
  28. hobbyhorses
  29. human
  30. important
  31. join
  32. latrines
  33. lavatory
  34. life
  35. live
  36. mapping
  37. national
  38. nephews
  39. nieces
  40. park
  41. people
  42. planet
  43. question
  44. renewable
  45. talking
  46. technologies
  47. ted
  48. terrible
  49. thrilled
  50. water
  51. wear
  52. world